Members of Colwyn Bay Cricket Club, pictured with their new
BOLA Professional on short legs with the auto-feeder attached.
We recently purchased a new BOLA Professional machine at Colwyn Bay Cricket Club and gave BOLA a great testimonial .
Neil Roberts of Colwyn Bay Cricket Club said, “We’ve been customers of BOLA for over 30 years and recently we decided to order the new BOLA Professional. We have 3 adult and 3 junior teams, a disability squad (MACS – Mixed Ability Cricket Section) and have recently started Women’s and Girl’s teams plus we have our All Stars group, so we need to offer challenging and engaging cricket coaching to suit all age groups and players with different levels of ability.
The bowling machines are really useful tools for us as a club, especially when we have 50 players at nets on a Tuesday night, and a further 35 on Friday nights for our MACS and Women’s and Girl’s practice sessions, the machines allow us to organise group training sessions such as ground fielding and catching practice, then obviously 1-2-1 time with the coaches and regular batting practice for everyone. The new auto-feeder on the new BOLA Professional together with the option to add in some variation of speed and length, will provide all of our players with the chance to really ramp up their batting practice, as the features the new machine has can more closely replicate what happens in a match on a Saturday, so hopefully the new machine will help our batsmen to be more prepared for the weekend. The new auto feeder together with the remote will also allow independent practice when work patterns clash with club practice nights. The club uses the bowling machines for a variety of skill development, 1-2-1 coaching sessions for batsmen with an issue to work on, the option to work with close fielders and keepers with other coaching aids such as the Katchet is great, the ability to bowl lighter Incrediballs through the machine which are much safer for the MACS and Women’s and Girl’s teams and finally good old fashioned time vs the bowling machine to help all players to practice their batting.”
For information on all cricket bowling machines and accessories, call BOLA on 0117 924 3569 or send them an email to